I hope everyone is feeling revived and motivated for a massive 2024, both professionally and personally.

I’ve decided not to make any New Year’s resolutions – not out loud anyway.
Instead, I’ve quietly ramped up my training at the local gym, and cut back on the Tim Tams.

Workwise, I’m back into it with more projects for Department of Education. In particular, the new content I’m developing for the Careerify website. For those who may be unfamiliar, the website is an outstanding resource of simplified evidence-based content that enables students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 to explore exciting careers with heaps of practical tips.

On the corporate front, there’s a complete rebranding campaign for C & R Settlements in WA to sink my teeth into over the coming months.

Also, a big thank you to Kiri Barker and the team at Southland Filtration for the opportunity to develop the content for the new series of operational manuals.

Onwards and upwards for 2024, I say. (and please, go easy on the Tim Tams).